Party Partners

What is a Party Partner?

Similar to a ‘designated driver’ where a person is selected to remain sober at a party while others drink; the Party Partner actively monitors the safety of those who are drinking or using. The goal is to have a party partner watch out for you, so you get the evening you expected. It is illegal to drive a car when you are drunk because your judgement is impaired. Once you’ve been drinking, your brain has difficulty assessing risk.  If you’re drunk, you don’t have the full ability to see and prevent danger. So if you want to party use a party partner who will help keep you safe.

Choosing a Party Partner

Choose a trust-worthy Party Partner prior to partying. Having a pre-selected Party Partner ups the chances that the individual will take his or her duties seriously throughout the night or event.
  • Limit the number of friends you are keeping an eye on, 1 or 2 is ideal.
  • Select the Party Partner fairly. Don’t always make the same person the Party Partner. Try to share the responsibility equally and take turns.

Steps in Using a Party Partner

Discuss roles and expectations. Talk with your party partner about what you would like to happen at the party and check-in regularly to avoid someone from taking advantage of you or your friend.
  • When will the Party Partner be expected to intervene?
  • Code words or signals should the partygoer be in trouble.
  • Tangible exchange to ensure that the partygoer does not leave without checking-in with the Party Partner.
As a Party Partner, your responsibility is to make sure you keep a watchful eye on your friend.