Making a complaint

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre > Making a complaint

Procedure for making a complaint about services

If you feel you have a valid reason to make a complaint about the services of the Sexual Assault Crisis Centre has or has not delivered to you or your family, you are entitled to register your complaint.

Steps to follow when making a complaint

First step: 

You are asked to complete this form and register your complaint in writing with the person providing you with the service.  Ask them to sign as having received your complaint and ask for a copy for yourself.  If you do not have someone presently providing you with service please complete step two.

Second step: 

If you do not have someone presently providing you with service, or if you are not satisfied with the action taken or the answer given by the person providing you with service, call and ask to speak with the Executive Director about your complaint.

Third step:

If you are not satisfied with the action taken or the answer given by the Executive Director contact the Board of Directors by letter.  Address your letter to the Board of Directors as follows:

The President
Board of Directors
Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County
3902 Connaught Ave
Windsor, On N9C 2C1

Normally the Personnel Committe of the Board of Directors will study your complaint and prepare a report to the Board with any recommendations.  You will receive a written reply from the President of the Board.

Other courses of action

In addition to the steps above, should your issue not be satisfactorily resolved, you have the right to contact directly the: 

Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
PO Box 1810 Stn A
Windsor, ON N9E 7E3