Links to other agencies or organizations

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre > Links to other agencies or organizations

Links to other agencies or organizations

Autres agences et organisations

        WINDSOR POLICE SERVICES                                519-252-6700                           

                    LASALLE POLICE                               519-969-5210       

                               OPP                                          519-723-2491     

 Victim Witness Assistance Program                       519-337-1766                              VWAP         

            Victim Services Windsor                                    519-723-2711                                   


     Sexual Assault Treatment Centre                             519-254-7777                         

                       Hiatus House                                             519-252-7781                                       

    Transitional Stability Centre (TSC)                           519-257-5224                      

         The Welcome Centre Shelter                                 519-971-7595                  

  Canadian Mental Health Association                         519-255-7440                      

                      SHARE/ÉRHAS                                         1-866-625-5179                               


         Children’s Aid Society (CAS)                                519-252-1171                                

      Regional Children’s Centre (RCC)                            519-257-5111                        

 Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy                            Centre                                519-995-3974    

                  Kids Help Phone                                        1-800-668-6868             

                     Kids in the know      


Windsor Essex Food Bank Association                         519-944-4900                                  

      Family Services Windsor Essex /         Services à la famille Windsor Essex                            519-966-5010                                   

       Réseau-Femmes du S-O Ontario                              519-946-3029                                     

        Bilingual Legal Clinic/Clinique                             juridique bilingue                                         519-253-3526                 

         Legal Assistance of Windsor                                 519-256-7831             

                   Legal Aid Windsor                                         519-255-7822                             

    Independent Legal Advice Ontario        Avis juridiques indépendants Ontario                   1-855-226-3904           

24 Hour Support

Windsor Regional Hospital Emergency Department | 24/7
Walk-in assessments and care for mental health crises and emergencies.
Windsor Regional Hospital Emergency Department
1030 Ouellette Ave.
Talk Suicide Canada [Previously Canada Suicide Prevention Service] | 24/7
Support for anyone in Canada concerned about suicide.
Call:1-833-456-4566 (24/7)
Text: 45645 (4:00 pm-midnight EST) 
Wellness Together Canada | 24/7
Mental health & substance use counselling and support for anyone living in Canada.
Call: 1-866-585-0445
Text: WELLNESS to 686868
Talk4Healing | 24/7
A culturally grounded, fully confidential helpline for Indigenous women is available in 14 languages all across Ontario.
Crisis Line: 1-888-200-9997
Talk4Healing Help Line: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325)
Hiatus House | 24/7
Provide emergency shelter in a safe and secure building for women experiencing abuse and their children.
Windsor Community Crisis Line | 24/7
Community-based crisis support for anyone in Windsor-Essex.
Call: 519-973-4435
Hope for Wellness | 24/7
Helpline for all Indigenous people across Canada.
Call: 1-855-242-3310
Sexual Assult/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre | 24/7
Services are available to all victims of sexual assault regardless of age or gender. 
Location: Windsor Regional Hospital Metropolitan Campus, 4th Floor East. 
Call: (519) 254-5577
Good2Talk | 24/7
Mental health support for Ontario post-secondary students.
Text: GOOD2TALKON to 686868
Trans Lifeline | 24/7
Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
Call: 1-877-330-6366

Other Community care

Trans Wellness Ontario: Trans & Queer Community Health & Support Centre

Provides free services including mental health and addictions counseling, transition guides, a food and clothing pantry, support for marginalized youth, specialized events, and a safe space for collective action. For more information, please contact reception:

Call: (226) 674-4745


*No crisis services*

LGBT YouthLine

Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM.

Call: 647-694-4275 

Naseeha Muslim Mental Health

Naseeha – Mental Health provides a confidential helpline for young Muslims to receive immediate, anonymous, and confidential support over the phone from 12 PM – 12 AM, 7 days a week (Eastern Standard Time) and over text Monday to Friday.

1-866-NASEEHA (627-3342)

Black Youth Helpline 

Serves all youth and specifically responds to the need for a Black youth specific service, positioned and resourced to promote access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools.

Call 416-285-9944 

Toll Free 1-833-294-8650 

Everyday 9 am – 10 pm

Asian mental Health Collective

Normalizes and de-stigmatizes mental health within the Asian community.

National Eating Disorder Information Centre 

NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to Canadians affected by eating disorders through our toll-free helpline and instant chat. 

Call: 1-866-NEDIC-20  



The following pojects are available through:

Legal Assistance Windsor                          Phone:   519-256-7831

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Project – This project provides outreach, information and access to legal services to those at-risk or who may be experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace.  Confidential support and referrals are available.

Supporting Survivors of Gender Based Violence and Sexual Assault –  This project provides information and access to legal and social work services to those you may be experiencing gender based violence or sexual assault.  Confidential independent legal advice, social work support, and referrals are available.